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Environment, Gender

Gender equality at the heart of climate resilience

Cover_Gender equality at the heart of climate resilience
The journey toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals hinges upon a gender-inclusive perspective.

Climate change, Environment, Water

Blue economy solutions exist and it is time for action

Blue economy solutions exist and it is time for action - Cover
Oceans face immense pressures from human activities as we prioritize immediate results at the expense of long-term progress.

Energy, Environment, Finance sector development

Asia’s clean energy investment needs and the role of blended finance

Asia’s clean energy investment needs and the role of blended finance
Expanding the scale of blended finance in clean energy will require innovative efforts from the international community to reform traditional development finance approaches.

Environment, Governance and public sector management

Classifying garbage for improving well-being in rural People’s Republic of China

garbage classification cover
The mismanagement of domestic waste in rural areas places stress on the environment and compromises people's quality of life.

Environment, Health, Water

Maximizing the value of water to end water scarcity in Asia

Water scarcity is a global issue that affects 40% of the world’s population

Environment, Finance sector development

Central bank initiatives essential for developing effective sustainable finance markets

As many countries have begun to take greater climate action, central banks and financial regulators must also make greater efforts to foster more effective sustainable financial markets.

Agriculture and natural resources, Climate change, Environment

Integrated solutions to rangeland degradation in Mongolia

The Mongolian rangelands are sensitive to climate change and variability, and their degradation has been alarming.

Climate change, Environment, Water

The “invisible” water crisis: Groundwater sustainability in Asia and the Pacific

Groundwater overexploitation has raised concerns about resource sustainability and environmental degradation.

Climate change, Environment, Governance and public sector management

Ocean governance and blue finance for revitalizing the blue economy

The impacts of climate change, marine pollution, unsustainable fishing, and rapid, unsustainable coastal development are threatening ocean ecosystems and jeopardizing small island nations and other developing coastal economies.

Climate change, Environment, Poverty, Social development and protection

Protecting victims of climate-induced migration and displacement in South Asia

South Asia is home to a quarter of the world’s population and is extremely susceptible to climate change-induced displacement and migration.