Shreeram Thakur

About Shreeram Thakur

Shreeram Thakur is a Japan IMF-Scholar in the Asian Public Policy Program, Hitotsubashi University, and an Officer at the Ministry of Finance of Nepal.
Author Archive | Shreeram Thakur
Health, Water

COVID-19 reminds us to prioritize “water supply, sanitation, and hygiene” (WASH) to reduce child mortality

COVID-19 reminds us to prioritize “water supply, sanitation, and hygiene” (WASH) to reduce child mortality
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has registered 959,116 deaths worldwide as of 21 September 2020. While the number is alarming, it is still not large compared with the 5.2 million children who died due to various causes in 2019, according to UNICEF. COVID-19 reminds us how much child mortality continues to be a significant challenge for global health and the global economy. In addition to the loss of human lives, the economic consequences are also significant.