Danilo Valerio Mascia

About Danilo Valerio Mascia

Danilo Valerio Mascia is assistant professor in banking at the Nottingham University Business School – The University of Nottingham (United Kingdom).
Author Archive | Danilo Valerio Mascia
Economics, Finance sector development, Industry and trade

Young Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Bank Credit Denials: Evidence from Europe

Young Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Bank Credit Denials: Evidence from Europe
It is widely accepted that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) represent the backbone of most economies. Not surprisingly, the story is mostly the same across the globe. For instance, Yoshino and Taghizadeh-Hesary (2014) report that SMEs account for almost 98% of all enterprises in Asia, offering jobs to around 66% of the workforce. In the European Union, the data offer a similar picture. In fact, SMEs represent 99% of all non-financial enterprises and account, on average, for 67% of total employment (European Commission 2017). Overall, such figures undoubtedly highlight how pivotal SMEs are for the functioning of the real economy.

Economics, Finance sector development, Governance and public sector management

Is corruption “sand in the wheels” for credit markets? Evidence from European MSMEs

Is corruption “sand in the wheels” for credit markets? Evidence from European MSMEs
Bank credit is a crucial financing tool for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) given their difficulty in entering equity markets. However, accessing bank credit is not as easy as one might think. Specifically, MSMEs often face difficulties when they need to provide valid collateral to loan officers (Cowan, Drexler, and Yañez, 2015).