About Ian Coxhead
Ian Coxhead, a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is an economist specializing in the study of growth, trade and development in the emerging economies of Asia. He has three decades of in-country research and teaching experience in Indonesia, Viet Nam, the Philippines, and Thailand. He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed economics journals, and is editor of the forthcoming Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian Economics. His research focuses on trade and development in Asian economies, especially the interactions with labor markets, education, and state policies affecting trade and investment. He has served as a consultant to a variety of international agencies and in April 2014 was one of four foreign economists invited to Indonesia to participate in the annual High Level Policy Dialogue panel advising the Minister of Finance on fiscal and macro policy.Southeast Asia’s energy subsidies are a tax on development
Policy reforms to resolve inefficiencies are a major yet underappreciated source of economic growth. One obvious example is the presence of large energy subsidies in the developing world, which are common among oil-rich countries such as Nigeria and Venezuela. Yet energy subsidies remain both large and seemingly firmly entrenched even in some Southeast Asian countries, where net energy exports are rapidly diminishing.
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