Emanuele Schibotto

About Emanuele Schibotto

Emanuele Schibotto is a PhD candidate in geopolitics at Guglielmo Marconi University in Rome. He is also editorial director of the Italian think thank on International Relations Equilibri.net; director for development at the Asian Century Institute; and business development manager for the international language consulting firm Maka.
Author Archive | Emanuele Schibotto
Regional cooperation and integration

Myanmar in transition: economic development and shifts in foreign aid from East Asia

Myanmar in transition economic development and shifts in foreign aid from East Asia
One of the pillars of Myanmar’s democratic transition is its capacity to foster economic development through foreign investments. However, a huge infrastructure deficit combined with electricity shortages are serious concerns for foreign companies willing to operate in this promising new market. As Asia’s second poorest country, Myanmar’s leaders need a reliable foreign investor who has both the financial capabilities and the industrial skills to cope with the challenge. This partner is Japan.