Anuradha Rajivan

About Anuradha Rajivan

Anuradha Rajivan is an advisor in the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Strategy and Policy Department. She is the ADB-wide focal point on MDGs and leads ADB’s partnership on the subject with Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and United Nations Development Programme. Before joining ADB she was the Practice Team Leader for Poverty and Inclusive Growth in Asia Pacific at UNDP and led the Regional Human Development Report series. Anu holds a PhD in economics.
Author Archive | Anuradha Rajivan
Social development and protection

The relevance of $1.25 – recounting the poor

The relevance of $1.25 – recounting the poor
The millennium development goals (MDGs), which end in 2015, are a remarkable set of agreed global aspirations, with the world community committing to eradicate extreme poverty for the first time in history. In the 19th century around 80% of the population was poor with affluence generally uncommon. Over the last two hundred years, however, thinking about poverty has changed dramatically. Where once poverty was considered the norm, governments now use public policy to make it the exception.