Joshua Aizenman

About Joshua Aizenman

Joshua Aizenman is Robert R. and Katheryn A. Dockson Chair in Economics and International Relations and professor of international relations and economics, Department of Economics, University of Southern California.
Author Archive | Joshua Aizenman
Economics, Finance sector development

Achieving resilient emerging market economies amid the macroeconomic challenges of the 21st century

Achieving resilient emerging market economies amid the macroeconomic challenges of the 21st century
Emerging market economies have faced a host of challenges in the post-global financial crisis (GFC) environment. The GFC environment was shaped by the confluence of four key developments. The first was financial globalization and de-regulation, processes that started in the late 1970s in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. These later spread to emerging markets in the 1990s and 2000s and transformed the global financial system into a complex cobweb of global networks, exposing countries to financial shocks transmitted by volatile bursts of capital inflows and outflows of “hot money.”

Finance sector development

Measuring the systemic risk contribution of international mutual funds

Measuring the systemic risk contribution of international mutual funds
During the global financial crisis of 2007–2009, the importance of the scale and correlation of entities in interconnected financial systems, especially on what have become known as “too big to fail” institutions in the global financial system, was clearly evident and spotlighted.